Female Founders Breaking Boundaries
Female Founders Breaking Boundaries, hosted by Casey Gromer, talks to 7+ figure women entrepreneurs who are tired of being held back by stale, inflexible formulas for business success. In this community, we are ditching methods that don't work for women in favor of a new way of approaching entrepreneurship that paves the way for success. Casey provides tools, advice, resources, support, and encouragement for extra passionate women entrepreneurs who want to leave their legacy in this world. Learn more about Casey and Female Founders Breaking Boundaries at https://c-suiteboutique.com/podcast
106 episodes
Get Out Of The Weeds: Essential Activities For High-Impact Visionaries
If you’re the visionary leader of your business but have found yourself bogged down with operational tasks for too long, you might find yourself neglecting your role or even forgetting what your role entails. Reclaiming your focus and transitio...
Episode 105

Top 10 Indicators of a Healthy Business
I typically find my clients in one of two camps. Either they avoid looking at metrics OR they look at every possible piece of data available. Here at C-Suite Boutique, we prefer to take a middle approach, looking at only the key pieces of data ...
Episode 104

What’s In and What's Out for 2024
We are constantly striving for improvement here at C-Suite Boutique and one of the ways we practice this is by looking back to see what has been working for us and what’s no longer serving us. Although the start of the year is not the only time...
Episode 103

Are You Operating in Constant Crisis Mode?
Does everything in your business feel like an emergency? More often than not, there is no real emergency yet we find ourselves operating in this constant crisis mode. Why? When operating in crisis mode for long enough, we develop a sense of com...
Episode 102

Company Culture & The Newsletter Myth
Company culture is not built overnight. It is ingrained into every aspect of your business making sure that everyone on your team is working towards the same goals, feeling satisfied and fulfilled in their roles, and having consistent expectati...
Episode 101

Hire Slow, Fire Fast
Bringing someone new onto your team is a significant investment in both time and money. Not only in the financial compensation you give them but in the benefits and the time it takes to onboard and train them. Because of this, it is so importan...
Episode 100

Why I Don't Do Time Tracking
Time tracking is a great tool for understanding efficiency. It can be helpful in finding places where you can reduce the time it takes to do certain tasks or reduce the transition time between tasks. Time tracking is NOT the tool to use when de...
Episode 99

How To Be A Successful Serial Entrepreneur with Morgan Hancock
It’s not often that when you think about bourbon, visual art comes to mind. That’s what has made our guests nonprofit so successful. She’s married two things that have meaning and have impacted the culture of her community in a way to give back...
Episode 98

How to Keep Your Staff Out of Your Inbox
Perhaps you’ve done your quarterly planning, your staff understands their accountability, they understand the functions of their role, they have ownership over their responsibilities and yet your inbox is still overflowing with messages and que...
Episode 97

Are You Ready for an Integrator? When to Hire an Integrator, DOO, or Executive Assistant
There seems to be a lot of confusion for founders when deciding which position to hire next to support them in the business. This week, we will discuss the difference between an integrator, a DOO (director of operations), and an Executive Assis...
Episode 96

How to Boost Employee Retention and Productivity
We have a retention issue. Our good, hardworking people are leaving. The first thought tends to be that we must have a company culture issue, but it actually goes well beyond that. We spend time trying to add things to improve company culture, ...
Episode 95

Tips for Maintaining Your Business During a Recession
There’s a lot of fear and overwhelming for business owners because of the current climate of the economy and impending recession. The recession doesn’t affect all of us the same way and this is something we definitely learned during the pandemi...
Episode 94

What Could Happen When You Enforce Accountability
A lot of my clients find themselves with team members who are really good at doing the tasks within their role but they are not good at owning the bigger milestones or goals those tasks play into. This week’s episode 93 of Female Founders Break...
Episode 93

Leading vs. Delegating vs. Doing
One thing I see happening across the women-led companies I work with is that they have reached a place where they realize they can’t manage all of the people anymore so they have to start filling some leadership or management roles, either inte...
Episode 92

Why I Don't Drink the Kool-Aid (about EOS) [Rerelease]
There was a point in time where it clicked for me that the entrepreneurial operating system (EOS) was not geared toward the women entrepreneurs who are shouldering the home responsibilities while running their business, but rather to the male c...
Episode 91

How to Build a Team Who "Gets It"
I cannot stress enough how important it is to bring the right people into your business that understand the expectations of the role they are being hired for. It can be incredibly frustrating and a waste of time when you hire someone who waits ...
Episode 90

Staying Flexible Through Failure with Virginia Frischkorn
Change is inevitable and sometimes it comes without us asking for it so instead of fearing change, we must embrace it and ask ourselves what we can start to do differently to not only survive but to thrive through this time. This week’s episode...
Episode 89

Why Is Stuff Not Getting Done?
I’ve recently had an influx of clients feeling frustrated that their business tasks are not getting done and their business is failing to move forward because of it. More often than not I am finding that it is not a matter of ill-fitting employ...
Episode 88

Persisting Through a Taboo Launch with Nancy Jarecki
Starting a business comes with its own set of obstacles but starting a taboo business is often met with pushback and disapproval. Today’s guest proves that despite these added challenges, perseverance and persistence can ultimately lead to succ...
Episode 87

Using Rewards and Incentives to Attract, Retain, and Motivate Employees
When we bring on team members, they are bringing value into the business and in order for us to attract and retain them, we must provide value in return. Rewards structures are just one way we can provide that value and motivate employees to he...
Episode 86

Do you Need an Integrator, COO, DOO, or OBM? [Rerelease]
Not every business owner can do all the tasks their business requires without burnout. This brings up the opportunity to find out what type of person you might need to fill these gaps and bring your strengths together to thrive. That’s why epis...
Episode 85

Banishing Toxic Workplace Culture with Lindsay Recknell
Gone are the days when it was discouraged to talk about our personal lives, feelings, and overall well-being in the workplace and although it has been difficult to reverse some of our toxic habits, we at least understand there is a correlation ...
Episode 84

Using Job Descriptions to Attract the Right Talent
Your job description is the front line marketing tool that is going to attract candidates into the role you are hiring for but if you’re following traditional job description frameworks, you may be attracting talent that looks good on paper but...
Episode 83

Managing Your Business Operations with Kaci Ackerman
As female entrepreneurs, we are often balancing so much more than our male counterparts, and therefore, require much more free time and flexibility in our schedules in order to manage it all. Luckily for us, a project management system can do j...
Episode 82

Breaking Venture Capital Glass Ceilings with Lindsay McLean
We talk often about how difficult it is for women entrepreneurs to obtain funding so when we come across someone who was successful and can act as a champion for us all, we must value what we can learn from them. This week’s episode 81 of Femal...
Episode 81